Blog Post 7 – Advanced Information Services – GIS

Activity 1:toronto pub lib branches map.PNG

Activity 2:


Activity 3:

Canada 150 Tour

Posted in Advanced Information Services

Blog Post 8 – evaluation – Library Operations

Evaluate a service or product at the Durham College library (or the LIT program).

Write a one-page report that includes a heading and your answer or response to the questions or tasks in the evaluation process. (See the sample report in the slides).   In step 4, choose to collect data using a survey.  Create a Survey Monkey survey to collect the data.  Apply Survey Monkeys tips and tricks about writing survey questions.   Post a link to your report on your blog.

Survey Evaluation Lib Operations

Survey Link

Posted in Library Operations

Blog Post 6 – Open Data

Here is an example of some open data that I have accessed and filtered on Google Fusion names.PNG


Posted in Advanced Information Services

Blog Post 7 – Budgeting

Use Excel to create a budget for the library that addresses (or does not address!) the interests of the employees/board and the community, and the fact that the SOLS databases are no longer available for free.  Now, your library must pay $1,256.00/year to access the databases.  Include the cost of the databases in your new budget.  Be sure to balance the budget with a 5% cut or a 1% increase to your budget.  Briefly defend your budget decisions for a cut or an increase. Post your Excel spreadsheet as a Google Spreadsheet on your blog, and make sure I can open it and click on the cells to view your formulas.


Excel Budget Sheet with comments attached to cuts defended.

Posted in Library Operations

Blog Post 6 – Library Operations– Part A – Planning and organizing YOUR work

  • Use the ST/AR interview answer format to answer the following interview question:
  • In this position, you will be responsible for supervising student volunteers. There are between 10-12 student volunteers at the library. You will be expected to supervise these students, in addition to planning and delivering weekly children’s programming activities and events, writing monthly reports about goals and achievements in your department, working at the reference desk 8-10 hours per week and assisting with library-wide projects. Describe a situation where you’ve had a similar workload and describe how you’ve successfully managed your time to accomplish your work.

In my final semester of my Library and Information Technician program I have had a similar workload. I have four assignments that need to be completed at the beginning of April as well as 140 hours for placement. My placement is scheduled on Fridays from 9am-5pm, the only other days of the week I had off were Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday’s. One of the assignments we were given within the first month of the semester. As we completed the required work for the week it gave me the skills to complete parts of the assignment. I made a schedule around the time that I had free. I used a project managing website called Trello as well as my personal agenda. Both of these resources helped me get organized by planning out and scheduling my time. I prioritized what I needed to complete, by due dates as well as the size of the assignment. I have been able to get a large amount of my assigned work completed in the short amount of time I have during the week.

Posted in Library Operations

Advanced Info – Blog Post 4 – Public Lending Right Program and Creative Commons

Complete Part One and Part Two.

Part one:  What is the Public Lending Right Program?  Why was it established? Post your answers on your blog.  Read:  Toronto Public Library sadly embraces ‘culture of free‘ (By: Noah Richler Published on Sat Dec 20 2014).  What is TPL’s policy now?  What are the issues presented by Richler? What do YOU think? Why? Post your answer on your blog.

Part two:  Go to Creative Commons.  Find an image with a CC by 2.0 licence.  Create a citation for it. Post the image and your citation on your blog.


Part 1:

The Public Lending Right Program (PLR) was created to distribute annual payments to Canadian authors. The PLR gives a royalty for each book purchased and an extra fee for each book purchased by a public library. This was established because public libraries loan material out to hundreds and thousands of people each year. Before the PLR, thousands of people were reading books borrowed by their public library but authors were only getting royalties for the single book that was purchased; not all of the times their book was loaned. Because of PLR, authors who register with the program can now get extra royalties from their works purchased by public libraries. But what about books that are donated to public libraries? Since they were originally bought by a single reader does the author still get royalties from all the loans at the library?

In December of 2014 the Toronto Public Library was offering to pay five dollars for good book donations. This article claims that no money is going to the authors if books are donated to a library. The Toronto Public Library has now created a list of books that they are able to accept donations of. They will buy books from this list for five dollars if they are in new condition and have the original dust jacket. Richler described that the ‘culture of free’ played a large part in the Toronto Public libraries program, saying that people try their hardest not to pay for things which causes artists to not be rewarded for their work. I don’t agree with everything that Richler says but I do agree that authors should be paid someway for materials donated to the library. Richler had a very aggressive way of thinking when it comes to free materials, I have a very different point of view about free materials than he does.

Part 2:


Image by EmmyMik. CC BY 2.0.

Posted in Advanced Information Services

Library Operations – Blog post 1a – organization structure

What is the organization structure at your placement?  Provide evidence to support your answer. Create a diagram to represent the structure of the organization.  Use boxes to represent the departments or teams.  Include labels on each box.  Use lines to illustrate the reporting structure.   Post your illustration on your blog.


Peel District School Board. (2017) retrieved February 4th 2017.

Brenda Roberts. (2017) retrieved February 1st 2107. Personal Interview

Posted in Library Operations

Library Operations – Blog post 3 – project management

Option 1: on your own or with a partner… Read the case study on page 69 of the textbook.  Presume:

This is a public library

The cataloguing department has no other backlogs

Physical processing is done by student assistants

Remember to think about what other areas of the library are stakeholders in this project.

Use Excel to create a Gantt chart or use Trello to create a Board  for this project.  Post your Gantt chart or link to your Trello Board on your website.

Meagan Holwerda & Maddi Clark –

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Posted in Library Operations

Advanced Info – Blog Post 2 – Open Access

In your own words, define and describe Open Access.  How does it impact the services at an academic library?  Identify both points of view about an issue mentioned in the video.  Which point of view reflects your opinion on the issue?  Why?

Open Access is the access to academic papers without payment. This also includes the ability to search and re-use content. Without Open Access on academic content, academic libraries are forced to pay excessive amounts for journals or databases like EBSCO. Students, faculty, and researches lose out when academic libraries do not pay these fees. One of the points of view mentioned in this video was that governments pay so much money to have this research done that it does not make sense why they would charge so much for information they want people to see. On the other hand, why would governments want you to be able to access this information for free when they spent so much money on the research? I agree with the point of view made in the video, that it makes no sense why something would cost so much when the people who paid to have it researched want it to be seen. Knowledge should be accessible to everyone without cost.

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Posted in Advanced Information Services

Advanced Info Blog Post 1: Digital Natives, Grown Up Digital

Read Prensky’s “Digital Natives” article and the excerpt from Tapscott’s Grown Up Digital. How does the concept of digital natives effect the services delivered in the library’s reference department?


The concept of digital natives effect how library reference departments provide their knowledge, feedback, and help. Different formats for different learners will be required so that each client can be helped in a way that they will understand. Digital natives are more likely to be comfortable with technology in a library where a ‘digital immigrant’ might be more hesitant to use the technology. Library workers need to be prepared to support digital natives and digital immigrants with a variety of needs and technical knowledge. In recent years libraries have changed their ways to accommodate the ever-growing technology. In future years, I see the library providing access to more specialized digital resources such as databases. Library reference departments will continue to instruct clients on how to use technological materials.

Posted in Advanced Information Services